Nurture or Nature: Being Organized

For my daughter’s birthday this year, I knew she was getting a lot of Barbie stuff so I planned to get her something for her Barbies.  When I was a kid, I remember having this little pink suitcase where I kept all the clothes, shoes, etc.  I couldn’t find anything like this at the store and in that moment, I realized that _I_ would probably appreciate some organization type of gift but Elsie probably wouldn’t anyway.  I compromised and got her the portable “Barbie dorm room”.  🙂  It will prompt discussions about going to college AND it folds up nicely for easy storage.  She loved it.  She got 2 new Barbies along with a lot of new Barbie outfits from her friends.

But last night….

My daughter woke up, crying, and came into my room saying, “Mommy, I had a nightmare!”  I pulled her into my bed and asked her to tell me about her nightmare.  She said, in her hyperventilating, crying voice, “I had a nightmare that I lost some of the little pieces that came with my Barbies!!!”  I am NOT kidding!!!!  I couldn’t believe it.

I told her about the little pink suitcase that I had when I was little and told her we’d find some way to store her Barbie stuff so she won’t lose any of the little pieces.  I praised her for what a good job she does of taking care of her things and put her back to bed.

So it’s confirmed:  the organization thing must be genetic!  🙂